Gamboa / University Campus between Urban Resilience and Typological Innovations

University Campus between Urban Resilience and Typological Innovations Research by Design on “Ciudad Universitaria” of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá

Author: Pablo Gamboa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá, Politecnico di Milano

Supervisor: Andrea Gritti, Professor Dr., Associated Professor DAStU, Politecnico di Milano

Research stage: intermediate doctoral stage

Category: Extended abstract

Exhibit #202868

Following the submission of the extended abstract, this research project on university campuses has evolved and narrowed down its scope. Based on personal interest, as well as on the fact that the American campus originated from the construction of university buildings surrounding a “lawn” as seen in Harvard -built in the 17th century- and Princeton – in the 18th century- (an element which suggests the existence of a spatial association mechanism working on an architectural scale, rather than the use of a master plan or an urban plan to determine a specific campus layout or a type of volumetric disposition beforehand); the purpose of this research is to study campuses by using the architecture of their buildings as a starting point to then examine them as architectural complexes.

Therefore, this research lays out the hypothesis that the idea of the campus is contained in the architectural scale itself and that this is what comes to define the urban complex of the academic space at large. From this point of view, matters such as the shape and the distribution of the buildings are decisive in understanding university campuses as a form of implantation. Inasmuch, these categories will also be essential to this research by design project.

Exhibit #202869


University Campus Between Urban Resilience and Typological Innovations: Research by Design on “Ciudad Universitaria” of the Universidad Nacional De Colombia in Bogotá