The Potential of a Tectonic Approach for the Experiential Qualities of Architecture
Research stage: Intermediate doctoral stage
Category: Artefact
The research project is investigating the relation between the tectonics - understood as the poetics of the construction - and experiential qualities of architecture. This focus resulted from the observation of several DesignBuild projects I have realized within my architectural practice. The comparative study of those showed a high degree of affordance, which became obvious through the willingness of their users to appropriate and interact with the architecture. These interactions as part of an architectural experience are considered as results of a dialogue between the perceiving subject and the architectural object respectively
its tectonic expression. Thus Tectonics within the research wants to address not the structural elements in itself but rather their expressive potential in creating a tangible experience of the architecture.
Along a series of several DesignBuild Projects, I am researching the question, how through designing and building yourself, tectonic qualities can be created and how these can generate specific experiential qualities.
Keywords: Tectonics, DesingBuild, Architectural Experience