Skrzypczak / Systemising Spatial Affects

Systemising Spatial Affects In the Search of the Ontolotical Class Encompassing the Experiences of Movement and Architectural Space

Author: Wiktor Skrzypczak, HCU Hamburg

Supervisor: Matthias Ballestrem, Prof. Dr., HCU Hamburg

Research stage: Final doctoral stage

Category: Extended abstract


In general, the leading question of this research is how architectural environment affects the bodily movement, and how, simultaneously, this movement evokes spatial affects—the sense of space. This text deals with the problem of systemising these reciprocal phenomena. It tackles it by introducing the method of translating the space theory texts (of empathy theory and phenomenology) into movement instructions. Then, it shows how such translations, executed systematically, might lead to a comprehensive coding and categorisation of movement practices in the sampled texts. The direct, practical application of such preliminary systemisation is then briefly exemplified by an experimental design seminar. The text points then to the obstacles in the systematisation process – the unclear ontological nature of the classified phenomena. What is actually a sense of space? That question remains open, but leads to the assumption that the systemisation methods found in psychology (affect theory) and higher music education (aural training) might be plausible templates for spatial affect systematisation.

Keywords: Embodiment, space theory, movement analysis Final doctoral stage