We are happy to announce the 10th CA²RE conference together with the 5th CA²RE+ Intensive Study Programme for Doctoral Candidates and Joint Staff Training within the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership CA²RE+ for Practice & Design Driven Research.

The Conference for Artistic and Architectural Research (CA²RE) is supported by the project Collective Evaluation of Design Driven Doctoral Training (CA²RE+).

Design Driven Research (DDr) comprises various forms of research in architecture, design and the arts, in which design results are implemented as a means of generating and disseminating knowledge. This includes contemporary alternative formulations of the field, like Artistic Research, Research by Design, Practice Driven/Based/Led Research, Creative Practice Research. CA²RE+ develops an experiential research evaluation environment, where it explicates the transformative and innovative power of highly individual strategies in artistic research, the diversity of research traditions and the integrative nature of architectural design research, able to face the contemporary knowledge fragmentation from humanities, social sciences and technology. It explicates the integrative nature of architectural design research, able to face the contemporary knowledge fragmentation from humanities, social sciences and technology. It throws light on the interdisciplinary relevance of convergent thinking, mastering wicked problems, open-ended processes, resilience and risk, as well as orientation to the future, all featured in Design Driven Research (DDr). It unfolds the didactic relevance of DDr for training creative professionals how to use the integrative power of design thinking to master open-ended processes while solving contemporary spatial challenges (sociological, climate-change-related, political).

CA²RE/CA²RE+ is intended to bring together senior staff, advanced researchers and early-career researchers to understand, scrutinize and improve research quality through an intensive peer review at key research stages. The conferences are platforms to develop a Collective Learning Environment through the Evaluation of DDr Training; to create Evidence of DDr Learning Environment and Evaluation Materials; to identify the DDr Strategies, to explicate the DDr Evaluation process and to prepare the DDr Framework. We wish to contribute to the open and diverse fields that exist in architectural, design and artistic research, to include subjects such as environmental design, sustainable development, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design/ urbanism, music, performing arts, visual arts, product design, social design, interaction design, etc. At this conference, we would also like to rethink and reformulate DDr to share our contributions with other research areas, especially in humanities and social sciences.


CA²RE/CA²RE+ LJUBLJANA is a five-day event around a program of research sessions, workshops, and invited lectures. Due to the current pandemic situation, the conference is planned as an online event, participation is free. If the situation in September 2021 allows face2face events in Ljubljana, organizers will try to arrange for a hybrid event.


  • PhD CANDIDATES AND OTHER RESEARCHERS in the diverse fields of DDr at any stage of their research to present and discuss their work
  • STAFF MEMBERS FROM THE CA²RE+ CONSORTIUM INSTITUTIONS that are new to DDr or the CA²RE research evaluation context to apply for participation in JOINT STAFF TRAINING (JST)


We invite motivated researchers from the diverse fields of design-driven research (DDr) at any stage of their research to apply for presenting and discussing their projects at the conference.


We invite staff members from the CA²RE+ consortium institutions that are new to the DDr or doctoral evaluation for participation in JOINT STAFF TRAINING (JST) during the conference.

Important dates:

APR 10 2021: Publication of Call
MAY 10 17 2021: 1st Stage Submission – extended deadline!
JUN 10 2021: Notification of Acceptance
JUN 30 2021: 2nd Stage Submission for Book of Abstracts and Online Exhibition
SEP 24–28 2021: CONFERENCE
OCT 20 2021: Final Submission for Online Proceedings and Database

We are looking forward to welcome you to Ljubljana virtually or, if possible, physically!