Macchiavello / The Housing Issue in Global South Countries

The Housing Issue in Global South Countries A methodological Approach to Define Innovative Housing Solutions and Policies in Informal Urban Settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa

Author: Alessia Macchiavello, Politecnico di Milano

Supervisor: Laura Montedoro, Politecnico di Milano

Research stage: initial doctoral stage

Category: Extended abstract


The extended abstract is a reflection on the methodological approach I’m using in my doctoral research which aims to use the projects as a research tool declined in two ways: on the one hand, the project will be a tool for the analysis of reality through the observation of existing situations. On the other hand, the project wants to be an empirical instrument of knowledge: through the investigation of some projects, I aim to bring out the problems of social housing in the countries of the South of the world. In fact, the working methods that will be privileged consists of two types: the analytical one, to describe, interpret, contextualise and deepen specific concepts or phenomena; the empirical one, used in the field with regard to the identification of implemented projects, instrumental in deepening problems and ways of using housing in Sub-Saharan Africa, necessary to understand possible strategies to guide a process of housing development.

Keywords: Sub-Saharan Africa, African cities, Housing, Slum-Upgrading